Getting No Place Fast by Jacko Hooper: Review

Jacko Hooper’s “Getting No Place Fast” is the perfect indie-rock track to brighten your day. Incorporating dreamy guitars, and a powerful synthesizer rhythm piece, the song manages to pack a solid punch of zest.
The sound of “Getting No Place Fast”, is somewhat intertwined with the essence of spring. From my perspective, the bright synths and the colorful vocal lines pertained to a flower blooming in spring. With the mellow verse sections accompanying a pleasant bassline and clean guitar chords, everything about taking a cool walk on the beach in the advent of spring felt more lifelike. Getting No Place Fast’s charming music video intrigued me. From a cinematic standpoint, especially the video’s use of color was spectacular to see. The instrumentation and vocal production on “Getting No Place Fast” made me reminisce about my gateway into indie music. Vast amounts of nostalgia overflowed due to Jacko’s musical attributes. The refreshing melody of his song had such a vibe, and I’d gladly hear it on repeat while taking in nature’s glory this season.
One of the essential facets of indie music was the freedom to choose your musical stance. So many variations of sound and tone can be incorporated, and “Getting No Place Fast” is no stranger to that. Following in the footsteps of shoegaze, pop, and a bit of ambient, the track’s multi-layer hook was enthralling to hear. During the song’s exit, an instrumental rush is involved and a notion of sentiment hits once the drums halt.

Review by: Damien Reid