The collaboration between Brooklyn-born Krieger and Norwegian Erik Laroi gives birth to “Happenstance.” This mesmerizing track takes you back to memories you didn’t know existed through ambient and allure. As The Formalist, the duo tantalizes the senses and leaves you craving more.
From the moment “Happenstance” begins, it envelops you in cinematic warm synths. This hypnotic atmosphere sets the stage for Laroi’s ethereal vocals to come and take your breath away. His sultry delivery adds depth and intimacy to the track, drawing you into a nostalgic reflection on past romances and the fragments of ourselves we leave behind.
“Happenstance” truly captivates as it balances catchy hooks with introspective lyrics. This danceable rhythm still resonates with our intimate selves as we sway to its sounds engulfing us in the perfect electronic harmony. With this wonderfully sensational song sensitive to the senses, expect glimpses of The Formalist’s upcoming album, A Trace Of Yourself, promising a contemporary sound that remains rooted in timeless emotion.
What’s more, to guide you to a better understanding, The Formalist has created a lyric video for “Happenstance” with vintage visuals immersed in introspection and exploration. With roots dating back to 2006, The Formalist continues to evolve their sound, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating what’s next.
Keep your eyes and ears peeled for The Formalist’s upcoming album, and let “Happenstance” be your guide in your reminiscing sessions. Stay tuned, because this release is beckoning a whole album release.

Review By: Naomi Joan