Hello by Lukx: Review

Lucas and Nils Malmport are back with a banger with their track “Hello”! This father-son duo is unstoppable in their melodic flow, and this fresh single is a testament to that. “Hello” follows the tropes of positive pop and funk with its tasty combination of keys, guitars, and fire basslines. Altogether, it merges in a spectacular fashion with the singer’s charm and is a must-hear for anyone requiring a mood boost.
From the very first second, Lukx does not waste a single second in their tune “Hello.” The musicians get right into the heart of the beat and initiate a playful melodic dance. Lucas’ singing chops are as snappy as ever, all the while Nils expresses his musical edge with jazzy synths and funktastic beats. Aside from that, neo-soul guitar chords bless the track, and its addition has a nice cadence. Everything in the song’s structure just clicks and is a force that hits you with a happy vibe. It’s one of those ‘feel-good’ pop tracks that everyone needs once in a while to uplift them out of a rut, and Lukx captured that sentiment spontaneously.
“Hello” by Lukx is the type of song that doesn’t leave your side, and if lost, it finds you when the time is right. Apart from this message, the song has a healing essence attached to it. I believe the fast-paced vocals, and its soulful rhythm bits played a key role in defining that!

Review by: Damien Reid