Hey Alright! by Ashley Wolfe: Review

When in need of confidence to approach your crush, Hey Alright! Might be the level of assertiveness you need. What’s more, this hit single might pump adrenaline and dopamine to energize you to be as courageous as possible. There is no other tune better for Ashley Wolfe than that of Hey Alright! Her energizing, sonorous and soprano vocals belong to the world of belting and that’s what Hey Alright! Does best.
So why is it called, “Hey, Alright!”? Well, how else do you imprint upon someone you must have? Or, in Ashley’s words from the first verse, “Somehow I just surely knew/ That I was meant for you.” The tone of the song is just so assertive and confident that really shows that it was written during a good time in her relationship. The way she brings the intonation to a downward curve after each emphasis of the chorus and “Hey, Alright,” demonstrates that the relationship was secure as it was.
The background instrumentals of the single are not required to be fancied up with a voluble voice like Ashley’s. She used an acoustic guitar and a tapping beat in the background that brought an R&B tone to the musical realm of Hey, Alright. It really takes us back to the 60s style of music, and her soprano vocals have a great range. Though the vibrato stayed the same throughout the song, her singing style requires a stage and a huge following to really let the air expand and spread to its fullest potential.

Review by: Naomi Joan