I am the Elephant in the Room by Lump200: Review

From their upcoming 5th Studio album ‘Isles of You’ along with their social-audio web-app ‘islesofyou’ Berlin-based cross act Lump200 has released their latest single ‘I am the Elephant in the Room’.
The song has an eccentric ebb and flow that doesn’t waste a second to catch your attention like the proverbial elephant in the room. Starting with a jazzy clarinet and tuba in combination with a shaker and programmed beats, the first measure of the song sets the tonal eccentricity giving the listeners a hint of what follows. The song has an infectiously groovy rhythm section with pulled-back swinging percussions and tuba melodies filling in for the bass. Together with the vocals, the song creates a hypnotic aura alluring the listeners and keeping them mesmerized with its brilliantly done avant-garde electro-jazz fusion. As the song progresses and more layers of instrumentation get added to the mix, the groovier it gets. The funky vocals are impossible to ignore as he announces with the surreal lyrics, “I am the elephant in the room.”
The band has also released an accompanying music video that is equally cryptic and surreal as the song giving the song a visual representation. All in all, this single really makes me excited for the release of the album and the app. Be sure to keep an eye out for Lump200!

Photo credits: Petra Peterffy, Marion Masuch
Review by: Gabe Finch