I Found the Volume by Rich Chambers: Album Review

The music of Rich Chambers ignited my rock and roll heart into the fiery being it once was. His music is simply thrilling to hear and energizes my melodic soul. Thus, “I Found the Volume” is a stunning album bringing that aura of rock to life. It’s a powerful collection of music that any rock fan should dive right into, and you won’t regret a single minute of it. Especially Rich’s rendition of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s hit number “Fortunate Son.”
After the blues rock opening, “I’m a Fool For Lovin’ You” I kept jumping in excitement while writing this review. Not only are the guitars excellent, but the vocals! Damn, son. It’s a pitch-perfect essence of the good old days of rock, and that my friend, is a great honor. Furthermore, when “Fortunate Son” that feeling only escalated. Rich Chambers took the classic Creedence Clearwater Revival number and gave it a nice boost. The notes feel louder, more enriching, and have a contemporary vibe to them. Bravo!
Pop-rock has always been my go-to genre for an optimistic uplift. Whenever I’m feeling down, the sound of it all just puts a smile on my face. This aspect delighted me while hearing “Summer Looks so Good on You” and “High School Can’t Last Forever.” Both songs are a love letter to teenage rom-com films in the late 90s and early 2000s. With that said, please don’t miss out on this album, ladies and gents, it’s killer!

Review by: Damien Reid