Infinity by Nuno and the End: Album Review
Nuno and The End came out with their album “Infinity” which has a soft, soothing, psychedelic, and meditative feel. The soothing electronic tunes, along with the dreamy vocals will take the listeners on a journey to wonderland. Their sound resembles a lot of bands, and they especially play a lot like Radiohead, Porcupine Tree, and Nine Inch Nails. It is a spectacular album worth exploring in every way.
The first track, “Ode to Infinity” is sung in Portuguese. It is a peaceful track that has an awesome rock flavor with great riffs. It has the right mood shifts and produces an enormous cinematic vibe with the precise fusion of synths and strings. The song “Compass” is an example of contemporary electronic disco music with pianos. This song has a thoughtful tone that showcases the artist’s proficiency with clean guitars and synths, throughout. “Once” is a reflective song that makes excellent use of clean guitars and synths all the way through. The rock outro and some excellent tom drum fills serve as the song’s closing musical elements.
This record features thrilling melodies, harmonies, and grooves. The album features a wide range of musical styles, all of which are amazing and nicely represented in the tracks. The seamless tuneful transitions by Nuno and the End will keep you emotionally invested in them over the entirety of the album. Listeners can easily disappear into the world of imaginings with this dreamy and authentic album.
Photo credits: Cristina Vieira, Lapis-Lazuli Photography
Review by: Stevie Waters