It Costs $0 To Be Kind by Grooblen: Review

Grooblen brings an edge to the pop genre through her whimsical voice and colorful songwriting. This attribute comes alive rather beautifully in the song “It Costs $0 To Be Kind” (by the way what a wholesome title for a song). It’s an intriguing melody that encompasses the thrill of avant-garde music. Personally, that sector of the music biz has always fascinated me. This is because there’s truly no limit to melodic innovation when it comes to such an experimental genre. Thus, Grooblen’s take on the matter is pretty poetic and catchy too!
“It Costs $0 To Be Kind” enters with a wave of psychedelic cadence. In it, a trippy guitar plays out while Grooblen’s soft voice puts us in a meditative state. Eventually, a wild drum pattern enters the atmosphere and generates a unique tempo. It follows a light-pop structure but accompanies this ethereal synth sound that stays faithful to avant-garde. Speaking of which, the most experimental aspects of the track were how Grooblen initiates a transition with her voice. She does a superb scream that signals a rise in tempo, and when the drums go full-on, it’s tough not to enjoy the ecstasy from the mix.
People, if you’re fascinated by pop music that puts a fresh spin on the genre, then you can’t go wrong with Grooblen’s delightful piece! It’s a solid track that I’m sure will resonate with you for days to come.

Review by: Damien Reid
Photo Credit: @spencerlayithink