July by Szou: Review

Astoundingly catchy and musically exuberant, Szou arrives with her summer pop track “July.” There’s an essence of hope in this electro-pop number. Due to the singer’s soulful charm, and vibrant instrumentation, it feels like summer is just around the corner with Szou at the helm.
The music of “July” is a combination of bright chord structures that were produced for a particular positive vibe. Following through with the instrumental portion are echoed and faded guitar passages. The EDM-style bass sequence also brings out the collective energy of the track, ultimately uniting your nerves for a sense of bliss. Isn’t that what music’s all about? Just managing to fend off all the blows from this funny thing we call life and encourage each other through song is a great feat in itself. July’s instrumental segments are delightful, but keeping all together is Szou’s voice. Her buttery smooth vocals resonate with the track’s core allowing us to hear it on repeat.
Szou’s song is equally weighty and euphoric. You can hear it on your morning commute ready to tackle your day job, or on a night out ready to storm the city. In “July” the guitar pieces may have faded a bit in with the beat structure, yet its significance is felt. Aside from that, there’s this heartfelt transition near the end where it’s just the keys playing and the singer’s emotional presence. For me, that was the cherry on top and kept the polish of the track intact.

Photo credits: Lydia Robinson
Review by: Damien Reid