Lace of Steel by Rebels in Stereo: Review

Need some inspiration in life? Or how about you need a soundtrack that’ll empower you enough to fight through life’s extremities? Well then, Rebels in Stereo’s got you covered with their sensational track “Lace of Steel.” It’s a solid rock with a positive narrative, that not only will make you groove but also energize your very soul. Thus, let’s move ahead and see what it’s all about!
Rebels in Stereo have mastered the art of starting a rock song. Right from the very start, “Lace of Steel” begins with a bang! A crescendo of guitar riffs, thunderous drumming, and fast-paced singing ignited the fire of the tune. The passionate songwriting and ethos behind this number felt more natural, and I couldn’t help but root for the band. Eventually, when the chorus hit, the aura of rock reached new heights, and it excited me immensely. Music’s true essence can be felt, and the encouraging superpower of this art form came to light. Rebels in Stereo showed us that everything’s gonna be okay and that their song “Lace of Steel” is here to give you a solid boost.
As days go by, life can be pretty tough for a lot of young people. Yet, trust in rock, trust in yourself, folks, it’ll be alright. With that said, put your faith in “Lace of Steel” by Rebels in Stereo, because it’s a feel-good rock track guaranteed to lift your spirits!

Review by: Damien Reid