Laughing in Slow Motion released flaming new song ‘Safest Sound’

Laughing In Slow Motion, a four-piece band from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, releases a new song for their expanding discography (which will eventually lead to a full album release in late 2023). The first song they co-wrote together as a group was the single ‘Safest Sound’. They chose to focus their theme on the idea that it is extremely challenging, demanding, and mentally exhausting to be an artist in the modern era, fresh off the heels of some minor success with previous music projects. It appears that nobody ever knows what they want from day to day.
To put it mildly, the pandemic that followed their brief, early beginnings was divisive. The theme of the song emphasizes perseverance until death do you part. Rules were made to be broken, and statistics and numbers have no real significance in the context of being a creator. No matter how big your audience, if you create good, meaningful art, it will have heart and integrity.
You’ll experience a variety of sounds and emotional highs and lows. These four Canadian rockers are bringing rock back to the grunge and post-grunge eras in a big, modern, and DIY way. Buckle your seatbelt and keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle.
Check out their new song here!