Lights Out by hangtime: EP Review

Avant-garde and electronic music go hand-in-hand. The combination of these two genres generates an intriguing chemistry, one which is depicted in sound pretty darn well. This brings us to eccentric act hangtime, and their mysterious EP “Lights Out.”
From the fast-paced electronica rollercoaster that is “pwn-age,” we as an audience grasp what it really means to live inside a science-fiction paradise. Seriously though, everything from the synthesizers to percussions ooze cyberpunk, and the lifeline of the matrix. The track’s stunning sound design pays homage to classic 80s films about sci-fi lore and any action scene where Robocop is chasing down bad guys. All in all, the dystopian picture is painted in stellar fashion through the first track, and then again onto the title track “Lights Out.” This time around a slower-paced pattern is established, and the theme surrounds itself with darkness. But, that’s the charm!
The ending number “imadeit” feels like a digital war between two exceptional hackers. Everything from the narrative to the music screams techno battle, and there’s no stopping that essence! That being said, please don’t miss out on the music of hangtime! They’re a sensational act that puts a unique spin on the electronica genre, and it’s a cadence the masses will definitely be overjoyed at.

Review by: Damien Reid