Lokah Samastah by Sarves Thiru: Review
London-based indie singer-songwriter Sarves Thiru’s latest single is a meditative chant for world peace.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, Sanskrit for “may everyone, in the whole world, be happy” is the core message of the song. It is a chant, a prayer, or a meditation from ancient times. The times may have changed, but the circumstances are very much the same and the world could really use some peace and happiness given what’s been going on lately. Sarves Thiru wants to spread peace, joy and harmony through her music and this song is a manifestation of her goals. In the words of Buddha, “ The mind is everything. What you think you become.” If you meditate on peace and happiness, you will become peaceful and happy yourself. What better way is there to make the world a better place than to be happy yourself first? As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Musically it’s a meditative blend of the east and the west. Sarves Thiru beautifully blends western classical Piano and guitar with eastern, more specifically South Asian, Carnatic flutes and Tabla. The musical arrangement perfectly reflects the song’s core message. Sarves Thiru’s captivating chanting and vocal harmonies are very calming and soothing to the ears. Definitely stress-releasing and highly recommended as something to start your day with or if you’re having a bad day and need a quick stress reliever.
Review by: Gabe Finch