Emerald Park, the indie pop sensation hailing from Malmo, Sweden, under Tobias Borelius, takes us on a nostalgic journey with his sophomore single, “Night Away.” From the moment the synth beat kicks in, listeners are transported back to the vibrant soundscape of the eighties. With his upcoming album “Lovers in Reverse” on the horizon, Emerald Park’s latest release showcases his ability to infuse modern indie pop with the infectious energy of a bygone era. In this review, we dive into the captivating world of “Night Away” and explore the band’s talent for crafting memorable and nostalgic music.
“Night Away” captures the essence of the eighties with its captivating synth-driven sound. From the first notes, the pulsating beat sets the stage for a retro-inspired journey. The steady bassline provides a solid foundation that propels the song forward, while the shimmering synths weave an atmospheric backdrop.
Emerald Park pays homage to the era’s signature sound by recreating the bygone rage with an original personal touch that is calm at the same time. The direction of the glitz is perfectly complemented by the cool vocals with a tender timbre. The female backing vocals bring a certain chic flair to the Northern nighttime anthem. It’s an immediate club hit and perfect for the summer. However, with the beats and the mood, this song easily falls into the refreshing and relaxing categories simultaneously.
As the synth beats and pulsating bass of “Night Away” fade, listeners are left eagerly anticipating the full release of Emerald Park’s forthcoming album. What are you waiting for? Dance the “Night Away” with Emerald Park as we await his next release.
Review By: Naomi Joan