Pirates by Kairvina: Review

Kairvina is an Indian alternative pop musician who truly has a way with words. Her delightful tune “Pirates” casts a spell on the listener through soothing vocals, touching rhythm bits, and an intriguing effect brought on by ocean waves. That last bit was the cherry on top and uplifted the aura of Kairvina’s pleasant voice even further.
The song “Pirates” has a lovely mixture of dream pop and ambient. Kairvina’s clean voice brings along a meditative feeling. Once you get into the melody, it’s tough to untie yourself from the grip. The singer’s flow and cadence are superb, and send a signal to your brain that it’s okay to let go and enjoy the trance you’re in. As for the instrumental sections, a chill guitar piece by Sudan and Kairvina is present, along with stringed sections tagging along. It adds to the facets of ambient mentioned earlier and comes together nicely. Furthermore, since Kairvina’s essential tone pertains to the alternative genre, an intriguing sound is formed. Once the rhythmic variety and melodic charms absorb us, a resonance emerges and it’s a skill the artist accomplished pretty darn well.
According to the singer/songwriter, the track “Pirates” is a peaceful tune about letting go, and finding friendships in solitude. In addition to that, Kairvina believes we must accept the harshest aspects of ourselves while realizing that they do not define us. She has a humane aspect embedded into her music, which makes hearing it quite relatable.

Review by: Damien Reid