Embark on a cosmic journey of isolation, nostalgia, and the unknown with Planetariet’s rock and electronic album SAKNAS. The Swedish band crafts an immersive experience that shows how an astronaut is losing sight of Earth as he drifts further away.
“Vakuum” launches the album with a burst of energy, driven by distorted guitars that paint a vivid picture of the astronaut’s initial disconnection. The hard rock edge gradually gives way to melodic riffs and thumping drums, creating a propulsive immersion. Cinematic tunes float over the evolving soundscape, setting the stage for the cosmic journey that unfolds.
A standout track, “Moment,” captures the astronaut losing his mental grip with a low revving sound and a drone of melody. The percussion joins in, and unpredictable, catchy melodies intertwine. Shimmering and lush tunes create an otherworldly atmosphere, offering a sonic representation of the astronaut’s journey through the vastness of space.
As “Hemlängton” unfolds and closes the album, a relaxing rhythm accompanies ambient echoes. The song builds slowly, allowing the music to heighten and the levels of immersion to rise. The simplicity and softness of the music evoke a sense of calm, contrasting the vastness of the cosmic backdrop. We understand where this theme of isolation comes from because the album itself was recorded in various locations around Umeå during the pandemic. SAKNAS reflects how resilient, willful and adaptable the band is to stretch its potential under any circumstances.
If you are a fan of either or all of these artists, Sigur Rós, Mogwai, This Will Destroy You, Moderat, Bon Iver, and Nils Frahm, then you may expect to love the ambient rock and electronic instrumental collection, SAKNAS by Planetariet.
Review By: Naomi Joan