“Seven in the Morning” is sure to hit you in the feels if you have just had a breakup and are not ready to face the aftermath yet. So what many of us do is build delusions over our denial. The narrator in the Norwegian singer/songwriter Stian Fjelldal AKA Birds Are Better’s song, intends to pick his partner up at “Seven in the Morning.” Others find it ludicrous because his partner is gone. But who’s going to tell him?
“Seven in the Morning” is a folk track smoothed out with synth-rock and indie-pop tunes. Out this April 21, it is sure to touch you on your feels with the pure melancholia spelled out with Fjelldal’s gentle vocals and slower tempo. His inability to move on is painfully felt in his lyrics: “Even though you are out of sight, I can see you when I close my eyes.”
The sparkly synths and atmospheric instrumentals build on the dreamy feel as though we are in the realm of a mirage inside the walls of Fjelldal’s eyelids where he believes his partner is going to be around. However, even in his mirage, he knows the truth. Because it ends with her telling him what he knows. Unless she tells him to move on, it doesn’t feel right. But in the end, we believe the narrator knows they will move on eventually.
“Seven in the Morning” by Birds Are Better is the sort of ballad that’s definitely going to break a tear. But you can listen to it to gain perspective on this marvelous musical literary masterpiece.

Photo Credit: Photo: Promo
Review By: Naomi Joan