Slowboy by hug or handshake: Review

Indie pop band hug or handshake makes us groove endlessly with their sensational number “Slowboy.” Let’s take it easy ladies and gents, ‘cause this track right here is a laid-back tune best to hear when all you need is a good time. The band does this through passionate vocal segments and a synth-pop rhythm that enchants us with each step.
“Slowboy” enters with a clean synthesizer that pays homage to vintage 80’s hits. Eventually, when the basslines enter, a funky guitar piece follows. Altogether, chill percussions keep the piece at a smooth tempo and doesn’t halt its cadence. This brings me to the notion of consistency. It’s pretty significant in composition, and hug or handshake did a fantastic job in their thrilling track. The frequency of each synth bit and the vocal harmonies were also strong indicators of how the band maintained a proper pace throughout the melody. It built on indie-pop characteristics and initiated an essence of familiarity. And that, my friends, is how you win the hearts of millions in the music biz, so bravo hug or handshake! I truly enjoyed their song “Slowboy,” and its catchy rhythm pulled me back for one more run.
The track’s ending was perfect. All the instruments and vocal aspects came together for one last party. It generated a danceable aura that’ll move crowds, and I can totally imagine it being a hit at festivals.

Review by: Damien Reid
Photo Credit: Hristo Lazarov (Anamorph Studio), Mihail Mishev