Some Angels Never Learn to Fly by Arn-Identifying Flying Objects and Alien Friends: Review

From Arne Floryd’s solo project Arn-Identifying Flying Objects and Alien Friends’ 2021 album 17 Birds At The Summer’s Gate, Some Angel Never Learn to Fly is a heartfelt tune depicting how life passes by some of us while we’re busy with our mundane chores.
With its vintage warm guitar tone and Arne’s opening baritone vocals, the song welcomes its listeners to a warm story with a melancholic undertone. The acoustic guitar backed by the steady rhythm accompanies Arne’s narrative vocals. The song has that essential 60s tone smothered all over it. This is more evident in the captivating chorus. As he sings the words, “They’re born in lonely islands, They live their lives in silence, Some angels never learn to fly” it’s just so heart-wrenchingly profound and beautiful. These lines reminded me of another great song with a similar theme, Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles. Speaking of which, The composition and arrangement of the song have a stylistic similarity but that’s not a bad thing. Thanks to the instrumental contributions of David Myhr of the Merrymakers, the song has a modern indie-folk edge.
With poetic lyrics, a timeless sound and a perfect musical execution, the song is an easy recommendation for fans of The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, The Doors, and Elton John.

Review by: Gabe Finch