Sunset Doubt by Hotel Manlet: Review

Hotel Manlet’s song “Sunset Doubt” is an electronica piece with layers of ambient and shoegaze. This mixture of sounds contributes to a wholesome cadence that absorbs you completely. And after hearing it for the first or tenth time, you’ll be hoping for one more round of this special number.
“Sunset Doubt” starts with a chill vocal portion and faded synths. It’s minimal but enacts a lovely tone. Also, the production quality and effects used had a pleasant flow and were pretty calming to hear. Eventually, an energetic guitar riff enters the scene and slowly progresses into an explosion of beats and ethereal sounds. This is where the elements of shoegaze and ambient come into the melody, and it thrilled me to hear such a diversity of tones being present. The aforementioned genres have a way of instilling mystery in music and even aspects of psychedelia. Hearing it all puts your mind on a trippy voyage, and it’s tough to ignore the fascination of it all. Hotel Manlet represented that allure sensationally, and being a fan of trippy music, I enjoyed “Sunset Doubt” a lot.
The segments where the song goes full throttle, instrumentally and vocally, gave off a wave of ecstasy. It’s almost therapeutic how awesome Sunset Doubt’s crescendo feels to hear, and that aspect alone pushed me to hear it on repeat. Thus, if you’re seeking a song that will consume you with a similar positive effect, then this track should be right up your alley.

Review by: Damien Reid