Desert Life’s upcoming single, “Tangled Light,” is a captivating and thought-provoking musical masterpiece set to be released on September 1st, 2023. This song is a testament to their unique sound and musical style, seamlessly blending elements of alt-folk with influences from notable contemporaries like Beirut and The National.
Written in collaboration with poet Brian Mackenzie and expertly recorded and produced by Nick Swannell at Studio 49 in Pembrokeshire, “Tangled Light” is a John Lennon-esque narrative that delves deep into the fundamental questions that have perplexed humanity for centuries: love, life, religion, and our place in the vast cosmos.
The song’s lyrics are a poetic exploration of the intangible connections between individuals, the invisible energies that bind and define our existence. With lines like “What is love? / they say it’s blind / I told / it’s something you can’t see / something you can’t even hold,” Desert Life beckons listeners to contemplate the mysteries of existence.
“Are we lost on a satellite? / spinning around, in the endless light?” the song muses, inviting us to ponder our place in the universe, all while reminding us that, at the very least, we have the profound power of love to guide us through the vastness of space and time.
Desert Life’s “Tangled Light” is a spellbinding musical journey that offers both profound questions and comforting reflections, all set to a melodious and enchanting backdrop. As the release date approaches, be sure not to miss this captivating single, which promises to be a standout addition to the alt-folk genre, leaving a lasting impression on music enthusiasts.
Review By: Diana Reed