THE HYBRIS, an alternative rock project, presents their latest single, “The Game Of Cat and Mouse.” In the song, you can hear a dialed-in guitar jamming at a frequency orthogonal to the bustling drums raising the bar to higher heights and smashing lows. But it’s really the energetic vocals that give other musicians in this genre a run for their money. It encapsulates the deep perspective under the infectious music perfectly.
As for the context, “The Game Of Cat And Mouse” tackles the classism and capitalism that still prevails behind the scenes in more elitist ways than ever. The band’s keen awareness of the world around them and their commitment to addressing societal issues through their music, all for the sake of “saving the world.” As ambitious as that sounds—it’s doable. Music brings people together faster than fire burns everything down due to its being the most accessible and easily entertaining aspect.
THE HYBRIS boasts well-executed rhythmic patterns that propel the track forward with a relentless energy in “The Game Of Cat and Mouse.” As the music swells and recedes, it creates moments of tension and release. This dynamic range adds depth to the composition and enhances the emotional impact of the lyrics.
As part of their upcoming second album, the song offers a glimpse into the band’s musical and lyrical content. So listen to the new single, “The Game of Mouse and Cat,” by THE HYBRIS as you desperately await a full-length release later in the year.

Review By: Naomi Joan