Meet The Limited Sense, a musical trio whose harmonic tapestry is woven by the talents of Parjam Parsi on piano and electric guitar, Jonathan Gasparian on drums, and Nathan Gasparian on upright bass. Drawing inspiration from legendary jazz figures like Bill Evans, Thelonious Monk, and the Modern Jazz Quartet, The Limited Sense has crafted a unique sound that captures the spirit of classic jazz while adding their own creative twist.
With over 100 shows under their belt, the band has honed their craft on stages big and small. Their performances are marked by the artful interplay of instruments and the dynamic energy they bring to each set.
Their latest album, encapsulates their ethos of infusing traditional jazz with a contemporary touch. The album’s soft jazz melodies evoke a sense of nostalgia while remaining relevant in today’s musical landscape. The recording process itself was marked by long improvisation sessions, allowing their music to flow organically and reflect their genuine passion for their craft.
In the words of the band members themselves, Jonathan Gasparian sums up the recording experience by stating, “It’s the only time I don’t want to kill anyone.” Nathan Gasparian reflects on his journey with the band, humorously expressing, “They count me in finally.” Parjam Parsi encapsulates the album’s essence in his own words, calling it “the best time of my life.”
The Limited Sense’s musical journey is a harmonious fusion of classic jazz and modern innovation. With their album, they pay tribute to the jazz legends who have influenced them while embarking on a creative exploration that sets them apart.
Review By: Diana Reed