“The Old Skylight” by Blindness & Light is a captivating musical journey that offers a glimmer of hope amidst a backdrop of chaos and turmoil. Led by singer-songwriter and guitarist Colin M Potter, Blindness & Light presents a beautifully crafted track that showcases the talents of the collective, including Elise S Potter on bass, Helena Doughty on trumpet, and Helen Reynolds with the backing vocals. With the guidance of producer Tony Denmade, this single emerges as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
The instruments and elements together drive and pace atmospherically, while Helena Doughty’s trumpet acts as the point of equilibrium, steady and orthogonal to the sound. It weaves throughout the track and invokes a mystical, smooth, and somber atmosphere to rest of the propulsive instrumentals. Meanwhile, “The Old Skylight” transports us to a world plagued by conflict and destruction, where darkness looms. But Colin M Potter’s heartfelt vocals hypnotize you with desolation, optimism, love, then reflection in his poetic lyricism. Reynolds’ backing vocals harmonize with Potter’s lead vocals and add an enchanting flair to the song, which later on conveys a spiritual omniscience.
The instrumentation in “The Old Skylight” is masterfully executed, with each element complementing the narrative of the song. Elise S Potter’s bass adds depth and a steady foundation, providing a sense of stability in the midst of chaos. “The Old Skylight” is a testament to the power of music to inspire, uplift, and provide solace in the most challenging of times. Listen to it to feel more positive today.
Photo Credit: Colin M Potter
Review By: Naomi Joan