The Real World by Will Spencer: Review

“The Real World” is an evocative and melodic song imbued with layers of pop and indie rock. It’s a sensational number crafted by artist Will Spencer. His musical ethos is a reflection of one’s thoughts, and it is depicted through charming synth pieces among other instruments. A funky bassline and effects tag along in Will’s track, and the cadence is pretty intriguing to experience.
A resonant vocal harmony leads us into the melody of “The Real World.” Eventually, a reverbed chord progression commences, and a playful drum roll leads the way into the verse. This is where a clean, 80s-style synth plays out and bass slaps its way to funk paradise. Aside from that, a passionate singer grabs the mic and lets out a roar of emotions. Will’s voice, combined with the songwriting, makes you ponder and hear his music intentionally. You might wonder what type of intent music requires. Well, even a basic form of attention will prove that an artist is a creative act and one that shouldn’t be ignored. Whenever Will sang it was natural to hear his notion of this crazy world of ours and it’s an interesting path to take in making music.
Will’s song “The Real World” has some gentle parts where you’ll feel a wave of calm hit you. But he’s on a roll during the track’s crescendo. His voice hits that impenetrable high note and breaks through the barrier, only to reach even higher. Bravo!

Review by: Damien Reid