CORVYX has taken Queen’s “The Show Must Go On” and dipped the classic anthem in a vat of gothic rock goodness.
It’s a full-on, heart-wrenching epic. CORVYX comes heavy in his head voice. It richly caresses against the shimmering, ominous music. Then, BAM! The chorus explodes with the force of a giant gong thumping all the devilry out. It’s enough to make the hair at the nape of your neck stand still.
Each verse builds the tension and CORVYX’s voice drips with a gorgeous weariness. You can practically feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. But then the chorus hits again, even more vivid, his suppressed vulnerability bursting through like a dark phoenix. The bridge turns the notch up on the cathartism with a full-on operatic wail that will leave you crushed as CORVYX lets it all out at the top of his lungs for a prolonged time.
The music video for the song gives you pure, unadulterated effortlessly theatrical drama in dark color grading. CORVYX pours his soul into the performance with his expressions feeling every line and hitting every cord. It’s like watching the frontman of a shadowy rock band performing their last stand—a beautiful, tragic masterpiece. Freddie Mercury would be proud.
CORVYX’s cover of “The Show Must Go On” is perfect for those nights when you need to unleash your inner goth while simultaneously contemplating the meaning of life. So check it out now!

Review by Naomi Joan