Think Peace by Venusia: Review

“Think Peace” is a stunning rock song that’ll keep you immersed with epic vocal lines and instrumental cadence. It’s a tune that’ll resonate with classic rock enthusiasts, especially those who enjoy the nostalgic sound of the 1990s. And leading that vibe is the creative act Venusia! They’re veterans at what they do, and what they do, is to ensure the music reaches our souls.
Venusia starts their track with a cool chord progression. Each segment has a fine transition and it leads us into this lively vocal sequence. The ode feels very natural and connects beautifully with each rhythm. It has a sensational flow, and nothing feels out of context either. Thus, the guitars and drums had a powerful mixture that added that special flavor to the song. Aside from that, “Think Peace” also has a fantastic guitar solo! It’s not too much, neither is it too minimal, but just the right amount. The balance, phrasing, and tone quality are perfect too. So, it was a lovely addition to the music itself.
I just adore a solid rock tale from time to time. It keeps my spirits up, and my demons at bay. Thus, if you seek a form of healing then music is the ideal gateway that’ll keep you sane ladies and gents. Hence, adding to that aspect is the music of Venusia. So, don’t miss out on their amazing track “Think Peace.”

Review by: Damien Reid