What Iceberg? by Atlantic Junction: Album Review

A love story of blues and jazz, in a tightly knit record, such is the essence of Atlantic Junction’s album “What Iceberg?” From electrifying guitar solos, to smooth saxophone pieces, this record is guaranteed to make your jaw drop. This is primarily because of such mastery of each instrument, and creative wordplay from a songwriting angle. All in all, the album is a must-hear for any fans of the aforementioned genres.
The album starts off with an energizing blues rock anthem called “Blame Culture.” A pretty explosive start for Atlantic Junction, especially the stellar guitar and saxophone sections. The next track “Limenaria” continues with more sax and adds a steamy amount of passion to the melody. The jazz meter is set at an all-time high, and the temperature seems to have risen. Furthermore, we slow things down with an emotional track entitled “For the Best.” A sentimental piano plays out while soulful singer tags along to generate an evocative melody straight from the heart. Speaking of soul, there’s plenty of it in the song “Conversations.” From the chord structures to the backing vocals, the track pays homage to 70s classics, with its bluesy licks and jazzy soundscapes.
The last song of the album “Outta Here” is a full-blown rock song. You might as well take the top down from your Maserati and feel the air while this song is on full volume. Feel the energy pump through your body as epic guitar solos grab ahold of you, and push you to drive at an exhilarating pace.

Review by: Damien Reid