A Demon In Fun City by A Demon in Fun City: Album Review

A Demon In Fun City’s self-titled album is a mix of dark electronica, noise, and avant-garde. That’s an intriguing combination and truly a work of art. The entire record has this aura of mystery surrounding it, with elements of drama tagging along. Within this soundscape lies a heavy usage of synthesizers. The instrument is utilized to create this ethereal tone that is hauntingly beautiful and should keep you engaged throughout the album.
The opening number “Welcome To Fun City” is like an invitation to the artist’s creativity at work. It paints a picture of dystopian landscapes, terror-ridden streets, and all-out horror taking over the world. And that in itself, is pretty impressive I gotta say. There are not many artists who can generate such an image from their music! Aside from this, the song “Friends In The Woods” takes on a different approach. It mixes a refreshing ambient sound with some guitars and an atmospheric synth. While percussions join the thrill, a heavier bass synth comes on behind it like a panther ready to leap on its prey. It creates a sense of tension that heightens the song’s tempo, and it’s truly fascinating to absorb.
If you’re bored of the usual musical formats in this day and age, then why not try something different? This is where bold artists such as A Demon In Fun City come along, surprising us with their innovative tone.

Review by: Damien Reid