In a world filled with constant noise and chaos, Parjam Parsi’s classical instrumental album, “Season of Amnesia,” offers a serene refuge for the weary soul. Released on November 7th, 2018, “Season of Amnesia” stands as a testament to Parsi’s prowess as a composer, engineer, and producer and his deep understanding of the human spirit.
Winter Music Entertainment has spared no expense in capturing the essence of Parsi’s compositions. Parsi’s delicate touch on the piano, accompanied by rich orchestrations, creates a tapestry of sound that traverses myriad emotions, from profound sadness to fleeting moments of joy.
The album commences with “Years or Days,” a gentle invitation into Parsi’s world of enchantment. Its soft piano melodies intertwine with orchestral flourishes, instantly immersing the listener in a realm of introspection. As the album progresses, tracks such as “Something Over Our Silence” and “Roadways, Doorways” carry a sense of longing and mystery immersed in forgotten memories and hidden passages playfully tying a knot in our hearts.
Parsi’s compositions also embrace moments of respite and contemplation, as seen in the tracks “A Sense of Reconnection” and “Here or There.” The album culminates in the poignant “Dod” and the introspective “Which Path To Take,” leaving the listener with a lingering sense of mystery like a cliffhanger.
The balance between the piano and the orchestral elements in each track is flawlessly executed, ensuring that neither overshadows the other but instead coalesces into a harmonious whole. Get transported with the hidden simplicity of piano music to a world lost in this fast-paced world rushing to the unknown. Go back in time and feel life once more with “Seasons of Amnesia” by Parjam Parsi.
Review By: Naomi Joan