Align The Tide release fiery new song ‘Unbreakable’

Align The Tide have just released their brand new full-length album titled ‘Hollow’. The album is jam-packed throughout its entirety with massive metalcore-style hooks and grooves that are as catchy as hell. ‘Hollow’ has a lot of energy and a general feeling of urgency, so if you want to play it, turn it up as loud as you can. It feels like it was designed to be played at that volume.
The band has stated that ‘Hollow’ is an ideal transition into their new sound as Align The Tide because it maintains the album’s primary components while adding a more refined sound. You can anticipate heaviness, choruses that stick in your head, and memorable riffs that will make you want to dance. The album can be obtained on all of the most popular distribution platforms. Their most recent release ‘Unbreakable’ is a remarkable piece and is sure to set your mood.
Check out their new song here!