Bad Enough by Aadeeb Rashid: Review

Aadeeb Rashid, remember the name ladies and gents. This polished musician is going places with his rhythmic rap flow and melodic thrill. This brings us to his track “Bad Enough,” it’s a catchy tune that’ll keep you hooked from start to finish. So, if you enjoy hip-hop with a bit of RnB on the side, then you’re gonna want to hear Aadeeb’s fire single.
“Bad Enough” began with an insane synth arrangement that made my thoughts go “Damn.” But that didn’t stop there, when Aadeeb started singing I was thoroughly impressed by his vocal chops, and even more so when he started rapping. The artist’s choice of words, and the technique employed were simply flawless and allowed us as an audience to take it all in. That’s what hip-hop artists should always strive towards, to give fans the ultimate musical experience. So much so, that afterwards we’ll be mesmerized by the performance and keep hearing the track on repeat. Thus, “Bad Enough” ain’t no stranger to that aspect, and it’s a joy to see rising artists showcase their talent with such skill. That being said when the beat kicks in, the song goes into overdrive mode, and Aadeeb unleashes his inner beast. And boy, was it thrilling to hear it all!
For hip-hop and RnB fans alike, Aadeeb Rashid’s track “Bad Enough” is a must-hear. You’ll be immersed in this fresh artist’s tune, and it’ll be a fantastic melody to remember.

Review by: Damien Reid