blue by Wotts: Review

Canadian indie-pop sensation Wotts should be on your top-tier list of up-and-coming artists. Their sound of fresh beats, basslines, and synths are simply top-notch and I can totally imagine their popularity skyrocketing. This is primarily because of their catchy song “blue” and all the vibes associated with it. It’s a funky 1980s-style synth-pop track filled with groovy rhythm sections and poetic vocal passages.
Don’t you just love it when you’re craving for a type of genre, and it just magically appears to you? While the internet algorithm will grant your wish, it’s even cooler when you naturally come across it, it could be at your local record store, or in my case, my job! Thus, it fascinates me whenever I hear synth-pop music paying homage to the golden 80s, and Wotts did so in spectacular fashion with their hit track “blue.” From the very first minute, you hit play, an atmospheric synthesizer plays out, and lovely bass joins the cadence. Light guitar fillers keep things steady and eventually climax into a wonderful solo. The entire vibe is intriguing and grabs your attention immediately. Also, the surrounding rhythm adds an elegant symphony to the mix. Hence, each portion feels enriching to hear and evokes a sense of wonder and charm.
Keep an eye out for this resonant band folks, they’re definitely going places. Wotts’ song “blue” is available for streaming, so don’t miss out on it, please!

Review by: Damien Reid