“By The River” is a captivating musical voyage that effortlessly transports listeners to a dreamlike world with its distinctly Eastern-infused melodies and rich harmonies. Drawing inspiration from the late-60s East-meets-West music era, the track encapsulates the mystical charm of artists like The Beatles during their Rishikesh days.
The song’s Eastern flavor is immediately evident, as it opens with a drone-based melody that sets a hypnotic tone. The shimmering guitars, intricately layered textures, and hypnotic drums enhance the immersive experience, making it easy for the audience to lose themselves in the music. The craftsmanship behind the arrangement is evident, and it’s impressive to learn that all of this was recorded from a home setup in the Midlands.
song tells a tale of eternal love and explores themes of truth, nature, and the transition between life and the afterlife. These lyrics add depth and meaning to the track, inviting listeners to contemplate the profound aspects of existence while enjoying the music.
As the listener gets lost in the ebb and flow of the music, it becomes clear that “By The River” is more than just a song; it’s a journey. The track’s ethereal quality creates an otherworldly atmosphere, allowing the mind to wander freely and explore the emotions and thoughts it evokes.
Furthermore, the band’s commitment to promoting their music through live performances is commendable. Their upcoming gigs throughout the UK in the autumn and the mini tour of Southern France in December 2023 will undoubtedly provide an opportunity for a wider audience to experience the magic of “By The River” in a live setting.
Review By: Diana Reed