Cougar by Wild Horse: Review

Straight out of an 80’s discotheque comes Wild Horse’s funktastic “Cougar”. A melodic outfit of gripping vocals, ethereal synths, and a jaw-dropping guitar piece is what makes this track shine. Aside from that, its rhythm elements are exceptionally groovy and the band’s allure is just plain wicked.
Don’t you just love a good intro in a song? Greeting “Cougar” is a sultry wah-wah guitar segment that establishes a funky melodic stance, and accompanying it are fat basslines. The instrumental synergy was deeply felt due to its production quality and the performers’ technique. I thoroughly enjoyed “Cougar” from start to finish, as the elements of thrill and ecstasy were predominantly present. The ‘80s disco scene was a wild time to be alive and kickin’. I had this professor back in college who was a solid ‘80s fanboy. Everything from musical trends to the fashion of that era was his guilty pleasure. The dude even had a massive afro which made the situation even more rad, anyway, he emphasized disco culture way too often. Reminiscing on that, and hearing the guitar mechanics of “Cougar” resonated with me immensely. And in combination with the melodic charm of the vocalist, the track truly stood out.
When Wild Horse’s “Cougar” reached its crescendo, it was musically explosive. The synergy of vocal harmonies, extreme guitar strumming, along with powerful bass and drumming bits enlightened me. With that being said, please don’t miss out on the sensational sound of Wild Horse!

Photo credits: Andrew Porter
Review by: Damien Reid