Distant Worlds by Brent Watkins: Album Review

The human spirit and the vibration of music have a unique relationship. The connection is formed when our psyche hears a powerful sound that resonates with our being. That aspect comes alive in a vibrant collection of songs in Brent Watkins’ album “Distant Worlds.” It’s a spectacular record alongside genres such as progressive electronic, prog rock, and ambient come into the picture. Altogether, it’s a thrilling experience to undertake, where each song is layered with a lovely cadence.
Psychedelia and intergalactic themes emerge in the album’s opening “Prelude” and “Apollo.” It’s an impressive mixture of space music, spoken word, and electronica. And what I enjoyed the most, was its ability to evoke a cinematic essence through the instrumental sections and effects used. Further along, the record brings us a prog-rock edge in “Singularity.” Eccentric guitars enter the mix to form a bond with the trippy synths and beats. The melodic patterns have a flow and add to that gripping rock feel.
As I explored each piece, Watkins’ creativity more and more impressive. Hearing “Voyager” and “Arrival” brought on strong emotions as such, due to the philosophical themes blended into a catchy tune. The first one is an ambient track with a drone effect and spoken word from people of different cultures. The following number picks up where it left off. This time around, a groovy bassline and synth bit keeps our heart pumping all the while soulful guitar solos tag along.

Review by: Damien Reid
I have his first album. I discovered him from the “Chill” playlist on Spotify. Good stuff!
Wow. I don’t think I’ve heard anything quite like this. Normally I’m not into the heavy experimental stuff, but the album is a good mix of straight-up dance music and more ethereal stuff.