Brian Berggoetz Band is an Arizona-based country-rock band somehow befitting in the outskirts of pop as well. Being a total jack of all trades, Brian Berggoetz brings rock and roll into his country accentuation with his EP, Familiar Sounds. And so what they say about him is true too. His authenticity is evident in his lyrics and how he sings them; you can tell it comes from the heart and that he means it. That’s what really fleshes out the country in his music. And that’s what makes the rock so much more impassioned.
Familiar Sounds has 5 tracks. Starting with Folsom Prison Blues, the driving guitar perpetually directing the dictating vocals makes itself quite a song to groove to.
My Way Home has a few lines etched in my memory: “I wonder who she sees when she looks at me/Does she see the man I am or the man I used to be?” It really makes you contemplate how you delude yourself by seeing someone with the idealization of what you expect and not who they are. Or after a long relationship, the person you fell for is just not the person they are anymore. Quite a hard pill to swallow. With a more somber tone, this track has won me over.
The titular track, Familiar Sounds, itself is quite the catch too, being the longest track in the album. It will hit you with a gust of nostalgia. You will be forced to walk down memory lane and still find yourself returning with needles dug deep in your feet. Yet none of the tracks will be worth missing on Brian Berggoetz Band’s EP, Familiar Sounds.

Photo Credit: Phil Kelly Photography, Marty Haviik-Ion Indie Magazine
Review By: Naomi Joan