Jacques Kuba Séguin released mesmerizing new song ‘Rencontre au berceau’

‘The trilogy of smells’ by trumpeter and composer Jacques Kuba Séguin ushers in a fresh cycle of artistic production. After hearing, he finds the sense of smell to be the most appealing. What if smells and music shared more similarities than we realize and had other things in common?
Séguin creates an instinctive, rich, and evocative musical universe that is inspired by the olfactory memories of our lives, perfumes, and the materials that make them up. The first chapter, ‘Parfum n°1’, was recently released and is inspired by the natural ingredients and raw materials used to create perfumes. It examines the origins of life, including the first stutters that give rise to it. In the background, there are delicate allusions to childhood, particularly the first time a parent and child interact and the range of feelings that results in the formation of deeply personal and intimate memories. ‘Rencontre au berceau’, his stunning new song, was just released.
Check out his new song here!