Jason and the Arguenots released tuneful new track ‘Void’

Jarryd Novotni plays lead guitar, Jason Bell plays rhythm guitar, sings, and Steve Fowler and Brandon Henry play drums. This album has the vibe of a punk record from the 1970s or early 1980s. It has feedback, mistakes, but most of all, raw energy from beginning to end. Everything a great punk album should have, including: being honest and enjoyable, not being overproduced, and not being perfect.
Who doesn’t love a great comeback story? The album is full of songs about loss, heartbreak, addiction, and redemption.
If you like songs that might support you in getting over a breakup or losing someone close to you at some point in your life, there may be one or two songs in this album for you. Some people have described it as having a social distortion feel, or having a skate Punk sound.
The true story behind the song ‘Void’ is about having to deal with losing a parent at a young age, and turning to drugs and other bad behavior to try to fill that void When you realized that you had to face everything head-on and stop letting drugs control you, you stopped drinking and getting angry, self-destructing, and making wrong turns.
Alcohol and anger can mask your true emotions and prevent you from processing them in a healthy and constructive manner that will help you deal with all of the trauma you have experienced.
Check out their new song here!