Maëla Raoult release a new album ‘Reflections’. Mala Raoult’s second album is now accessible on Spotify, Youtube, and all other digital platforms.

For this second album honoring composers of the twenty-first century, Mala presents a tour around the globe. She performs a virtuosic and luminous rendition of unmissable and essential clarinet repertoire such as Luciano Berio’s Sequenza, Igor Stravinsky’s three pieces, and Edison Denisov’s Sonata; a brilliant and shining rendition of François Meimoun’s Sonatimage and Jörg Widmann’s Fantaisie; the creation of Tocatina by Sina Fallahzadeh,
Maëla was born in Brest in 1990 and studied music in the Conservatories of Brest, Paris, and Brussels. She performs in a variety of formations at many events and festivals, including Origami, Courant d’air (Brussels), Préludes à l’orchestre de Paris (salle Pleyel), Tout sauf Debussy (CRR Paris), Les Harmonies (Billiers), Concerts on the Paris University Campus… She is heavily involved in the contemporary repertoire, having contributed to the composition of Sina Fallazadeh’s Tocatina, Michel Lysight’s Heptagramme, Alex Nante’s Umbrales, and Suzanne Giraud’s D’un Vanneur de Blé aux Vents.
And has been invited to play in a variety of ensembles, including Alternance, Écoute (directed by Fernando Palomeque), and Parallèle 21… She has the opportunity to perform with Patrick Langot, Frédéric Lagarde, Carmen, and Ana Mainer, among others… She works in numerous symphonic ensembles, including the Ensemble entre Sable et Ciel, the Ostinato Orchestra, and the Orchestre National de Lyon… She studied improvisation and jazz with prominent characters of Parisian jazz since she was curious about various musical genres.
Michel Lysight’s On Solipsism and Facing the Looking Glass, edited by Alain Van Kerckhoven, New Consonant Music: Solipsism is a three-movement composition. We listen to the composer’s rhythmic language (short cells, Fibonacci series, evolutionary repetitions, etc.) while he explores various modal or polymodal scales while challenging the performer’s technical virtuosity. The listener gets the feeling of a dialogue between two or possibly several instruments because to abrupt register leaps and surprising dynamic fluctuations.
The series Facing the Looking Glass (2017) consists of three pieces with different moods. The first is formed around a repetitive ostinato and alternates with other themes that are gradually added to by adding more notes. The second piece is an extended melodic improvisation based on two different rhythmic rhythms. The third movement, in 7/8 time, is virtuosic and derived from repeated inspiration. The rapid modulations in the three pieces provide delicate and varied color shifts. The usual large register leaps give the appearance that multiple clarinets are conversing.
Reflections :
Sequenza n°9 – Luciano Berio
Tocatina – Sina Fallahzadeh
Facing the looking glass – Michel Lysight
Fantasie – Jörg Widmann
Sonatimage – François Meimoun
Three pieces for Solo clarinet – Igor Stravinsky
Solipsism – Michel Lysight
Sonata for clarinet – Edison Denisov