Mardros releases captivating new song ‘Pink Like The Sea’

Mardros uses his deep voice to discuss our place in modern society, particularly our relationship to freedom and the commodification of it, or, in other words, voluntary servitude, while navigating between a somewhat dark guitar groove and powerful synthesizer-led choruses. As the song goes on, he exhorts the listener to begin thinking about things from a different perspective and to reject the dominant narrative that is being offered to us.
The song’s unexpected structure and escalating tempo keep the listener on the edge of their seat as it progresses, preventing the previously used components from becoming recursive. This piece is a rich emotional journey that aims to transport the listener while being questioned, fusing organic elements and gut-wrenching synths.
‘The Great Circus’, Mardros’ debut EP, is scheduled to be released on November 11, 2022, and features the song ‘Pink Like the Sea’. It is an invitation to embark on a unique journey, in which the heart serves as the crew’s captain and the body serves as the spaceship.
Check out his new song here!