Hailing from Chicago, Kelsey Montanez is an artist who’s been flying under the radar for over a decade but deserves all the spotlight, and her latest single, “Mr. Crybaby,” is a hidden gem in the pop music scene.
Kelsey Montanez’s journey began in 2013 when her EP, “A Delightful Sadness,” earned her a record contract and a coveted collaboration with none other than Chance the Rapper. Since then, she’s been paving her own path as an independent artist, staying true to her artistic vision while holding on tight to her dedicated fanbase.
Drawing inspiration from ’90s pop icons like Alanis Morisette and No Doubt, Kelsey infuses a fresh and angsty twist into her anthems. Her ability to seamlessly blend bluesy vibes, pop hooks, and psychedelic elements is commendable, to say the least.
From the get-go, “Mr. Crybaby” hooks you in with its fat, grooving bass line and massive electric guitars. But it’s her voice that truly steals the show. With her lyric soprano vocals, Kelsey possesses a rare range that keeps you hooked throughout.
But it’s not just the sound that sets Kelsey Montanez apart; her songwriting skills are second to none. The lyrics, which are steeped in Montanez’s trademark wit, cut to the core, delving into the realms of love and grief
Yet, despite the depth of her music, Kelsey never forgets the power of a good groove. Her tracks are infused with infectious rhythms that make it impossible not to move to the beat, and “MR. Crybaby” is no exception.
With top-notch production, “MR. CRYBABY” showcases Kelsey’s talent and creativity in full force. With every release, Kelsey Montanez continues to shine brighter, showing no signs of slowing down on her journey to stardom.

Review by: Grace Donovan