Pablo H. From The Surfwood Circle Band releases captivating new song ‘Kyoto Station 2.0’

People were swarming around in all directions. a city enclosed by a city. orderly traffic, luggage, and lines.
The train then departs from the station.
While the DRUMS play in double time, the BASS begins at halftime. The GUITAR alternately moves back and forth with the bass and drums. You can converse with one another while listening to the instruments individually. on a mission to confront the horns. Fast. From halftime until the chorus, the bass won’t change. Then, we’re all on board. Playful fast guitars, bass, drums, and horns.
You can hear the people moving around you if you close your eyes and listen. chaotic but well-organized obliging but pushy. No lyrics are included. The melodic lines, however, are treated like lyrics. Melodies ask questions and provide answers, or they can suspend and postpone a resolution, going up and down like the spoken word. Every melody line has a start, middle, and end. They narrate tales.
Check out his new song here!