Party Anthem by Tsunamiz: Review

A diverse melody is formed when rock and electronic music meet on the same path. Today, we welcome that stellar mix in “Party Anthem.” It’s an eccentric and insanely catchy piece from Tsunamiz. His style of music will inspire you to dance, and even headbang if you’re game. Since the chemistry of two genres intertwines in this piece, you can enjoy it however you, please!
The first passage of “Party Anthem” grants you entry to the show, with an intro of beats and clean synths. From then on, the excitement surges, and Tsunamiz arrives on the platform to make our experience worthwhile. He takes a powerful guitar riff and transforms the EDM tune into a fantastic fusion of melodies. Aside from that, the mic isn’t left alone either. A groovy voice takes our attention and captivates our hearts with a thrill. The chorus section especially took me by surprise. The beats reach peak jam, and the vocals synchronize with the tempo. The entirety of the music comes together, and it’s a work of art!
If you find peace in rock and roll or even choose EDM as your melodic release, then “Party Anthem” by Tsunamiz should be right up your alley. It’s a splendid blend of cadence and genre variety that anyone will resonate with. In my book, Tsunamiz did an excellent job of merging the two genres and creating a piece that’ll stay on people’s minds for days to come.

Review by: Damien Reid
Photo Credit: José Manuel Teixeira