Sabre Tooth by Joss Worthington: Review

Pop music has played a key role in influencing various genres. This is where its melodic lineage crosses paths with classical tunes, rock, and even ambient. Similarly, Joss Worthington’s song “Sabre Tooth”, has a diverse pop allure and is altogether a fantastic tune. In it, a fuzzy guitar along with deep bass lines holds the song’s rhythm. Side by side, the track’s hook is captured by a passionate singer gracing the mic.
The music of Joss Worthington carries an experimental nature where the instrumental sections are a direct result of the artist’s creative prowess. Sabre Tooth’s musical grip takes a unique stance. For instance, the intro to the track has a mysterious digital bit that leads to an atmospheric synth piece. It all has a nice ring to it, and also took me by surprise. Worthington’s melodic approach was off to a great start, and I couldn’t be happier. Eventually, when the bass and drums enter, the synth portions get a solid push. This uplifts the song’s cadence and paves the way for a soothing singer to take a stand.
“Sabre Tooth” has resonant piano fillers that pertain to classical music, just a tad bit though. Due to this involvement, the smoothness of the track is felt and it’s a gratifying feeling to experience. Altogether, Worthington’s tune is quite polished and has a pop-rock essence that is tough to ignore. Especially when it comes to the chemistry between its instrumental sequences and vocal passages.

Photo credits: Mark Kaye
Review by: Damien Reid