Summer by Couchboy: Review

You know when a song just makes you smile instantly? Well, “Summer” by Couchboy’s got you covered. It’s such a positive tune, breathing new life into the alternative country genre! I was hooked from the very first note due to its playful acoustic cadence and warm vocal passages. Stick around for the rest, folks, I promise you won’t be disappointed!
“Summer” starts just like its title suggests, with a chill, groovy, and just brightly accented vibe. It carries out a clean guitar sequence that is a combination of strumming and sliding licks. This is where the track’s country allure kicks in and delivers a tune worth hearing. Couchboy’s style of play is impressive and has a pleasant aura about it. Just the way the song transitions from one portion to another has a natural flow, and nothing feels out of place. The rhythm section was pretty cozy and added to the category of ‘wholesome music.’ It might just be something I made up, but man, there’s no denying the charm of “Summer” and how it brought comfort to my soul. I guarantee the same will be true for you as well, folks.
Couchboy is one such alt-country artist you should keep an eye on. The musician’s technique in such a beloved genre feels enriching to hear, and “Summer” is no stranger to that aspect. The song is available for streaming, so please don’t skip this excellent piece!

Review by: Damien Reid