“Summer Girl (Redux)” by The High Plains Drifters is a vibrant and infectious indie-pop track that captures the spirit of summer romance and its bittersweet aftermath. Produced by Greg Cohen and Charles Czarnecki, the song’s catchy melody and energetic production are sure to leave a lasting impression.
Released this vibrant summer of 2024, “Summer Girl”’s opening riff immediately sets a sunny and uplifting tone, reminiscent of tropical beaches. The thumping drums keep up the rhythm and helps us stay hooked.
Larry Studnicky’s vocals are smooth and engaging, delivering the lyrics with a conversational and storytelling style. Christina Benedetto and Sabrina Ann Curry’s soft and subtle backing vocals make things all the more spacey and sonorous.
The lyrics themselves are witty and insightful, chronicling the narrator’s encounters with various women throughout his life, symbolized by summer, and the lessons he learns along the way. The lyrics are so interesting and fun, and makes you want to keep listening to know how the story ended and whether he finally found his girl.
The music video, directed by Lars Jørgen Sundnes Skaland, complements the song’s theme perfectly. The visuals are visually stunning, with a focus on glamorous imagery and exotic locations. The video’s narrative follows the singer’s journey through a series of encounters with different women, ultimately leading him to a realization about the true meaning of love and companionship.
“Summer Girl (Redux)” is a fun and catchy song that captures the spirit of summer romance and its bittersweet aftermath. With its memorable melody, witty lyrics, and visually stunning music video, it’s a must-listen for fans of indie-pop and pop-rock music.
Review by: Naomi Joan