The Distance Between Us by Jaded Jane: Review

Emotions and soft rock overflow in Jaded Jane’s song “The Distance Between Us.” A sentimental singer takes the helm while a resonating bass carries the core of the track. Everything from the songwriting, instrumentation, and cadence forms a unison that is pleasant to hear.
First and foremost, the guitar bits of “The Distance Between Us” enamored me the most. It has this whimsical tone that dances all over the track’s structure. Speaking of tone, man there’s some buttery-smooth magic at play here! Aside from that, the vocalist embodies a weighty presence in the song. With catchy lyricism, clean vocal bits, and a bit of falsetto, the singer’s element is powerful and uplifts the track’s grit. Folks, I’d like to take a moment and express the melody’s narrative. Whenever you hear a tune, the artist’s point of view immediately enters your heart’s rhythm, and if you’re lucky a similar message might translate. While hearing “The Distance Between Us”, I deciphered the pain and heartfelt intentions from Jaded Jane’s take. To be honest, it’s something every one of us experiences with the connections we make. With that being said, the track forms a bond with the listener through delicate vocal balance and spiritual instrumentation.
The crescendo of The Distance Between Us by Jaded Jane is a powerful portion. The vocal facets enter a slew of harmonies and the guitar chords fill the entire rhythm piece. Altogether, it’s a delightful track that deserves praise and a broader audience.

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Review by: Damien Reid