Amidst azure skies and blue butterflies lies a tragic tale of dreams clashing down to cerulean tears. Thus is the story of the blue butterfly named Azure in yet another of the audio engineer, producer, and composer Parjam Parsi’s masterpieces simply named “Blue Butterfly.”
Like all folklore and storytales told at our bedtimes, “Blue Butterfly” is yet another larger-than-life tale that comes with a double entendre of a butterfly’s demise of its dreams and, worse, its own self.
Under the label Winter Music Entertainment and released on the 18th of August in 2017, this haunting yet soporific album was released with 12 tracks listed to showcase the course of Azure, the butterfly’s story. With gentle piano compositions elegantly radiating throughout the album, Parsi weaves a poetic tale told through the chords of music. With no words involved but the story told, you may close your eyes and feel the suffering, determination, bruising, and allure of grand dreams through the piano silkily weaving its keys within the cascading and enduring melodies.
Ambient textures swirl and dance around the piano melodies, creating an immersive sonic experience that feels as vast as the universe itself. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, the music unfurls with a sense of delicate grace and boundless wonder. The wonder traverses through the tracks to demonstrate that quitting is sometimes the wise thing to do.
With the wisdom sought, you may seek solace and inspiration with the musical escapism combined through Parjam Parsi’s album “Blue Butterfly.”

Review By: Naomi Joan