Can’t Stand Losing You by BIAS: Review

BIAS’ rendition of “Can’t Stand Losing You” is simply astounding. The Italian producer honors legendary reggae rock band The Police by covering one of their all-time hits. Bringing in the vocal talent of Lorenzo ‘Montaxx’ Montanari to add a passionate edge to the track and layers of synths to further solidify the mix. The Police’s ska rhythm style gets the electronica treatment in BIAS’ version of “Can’t Stand Losing You,” and we’re thrilled to the core to have come across it.
Covering songs has been my all-time favorite pastime in all things music. There’s a fascinating aspect to taking your beloved artist’s popular number, and turning it into something completely different, or mimicking it, any way you like folks. But the former approach is more experimental and diverse. Thus, that essence is captured perfectly in BIAS’ rendition of “Can’t Stand Losing You.” Montaxx’s vocals add a polished texture alongside the synths and beats to form a sophisticated melody that’ll grace your ears. The production value is also top-notch, and BIAS did a splendid job in ensuring that, with Michele Suzzi’s mixing and mastering, of course.
Hearing this version of “Can’t Stand Losing You” pertained to the idea of late-night cab rides from the club back to your apartment, all the while contemplating a lost lover. And what better way to soothe that pain than through a tune? With that being said, please don’t miss out on this emotional track.

Review by: Damien Reid